Restrictions on import of weakness and paye on Saturday in Delhi per 10 GM gold scaled levels of 31525. on Friday, it's a day per ten grams 31010 hopping around RS 1310 went on the futures market for the month of December was the global boom in demand for gold levelGold Futures on the comics in two months. the highest level of IE at the level of $ 1375 per ounce. the u.s. Federal Reserve to get back among the news package by traders who use weapons of the gold hedging. silver in a week 14 phisad boom eye. this level of per kg Friday 49320. bounce of a day entered 3247 After the September 2008 these were the biggest boom.
Gold increased because the rupee dropped
The biggest headache for RS 62 levels. we are still on our previous opinion prevails that the rupee may touch some 63 according to analysts by the end of the year by a price of $ 65 bucks. even if the Government rein in imports and dollar inflows are some steps to increase, The current account deficit would not watch any of the step to stop the withdrawals of $. once again the bullion market panic can cause economic conditions in China and the United States. improvement in the gold price to air signals.
Gold further how Shona
Technically, gold for those doing business with ten grams per realm 32075 28900 watch gold prices here will be the status of the RS and the direction of u.s. economic circumstances will depend on the continued and if the RS. and the weak gold price and also increased. remember that if the price level of just 50 rupees, the price of gold suddenly fast Despite currently 24,000 per 10 grams of gold for investment, not across. reduced demand and consumption in the past week and demand for Gold Council report of rlda clean.
In the April-June quarter despite the boom in demand for consumption and the world trend of gold investors from almost half your purchase of Central Banco is. This lack of 94 in during the quarter ton. Gold ETF to 402 tonnes of gold out of the gold demand. overall decline of 12 phisad. it is the worst decline in four years. this sudden surge after small The gold boom period. but our opinion still prevails of the crisis until the hinges at these levels long gold will not likely sharp decline still back it. the status quo prevails.
Why gold sprung
China and India-and demand gold rlda Council likely to be faster
-Out money from u.s. stock markets went gold for hedging
-In view of the demand in festivals in India and the weakness of prices uchala
-Gold, 6 months after the 31,000 level then achieved
-August 19, 2011 is the largest of the daily fast after
-November, 2012 the gold has created a record of 32975
Gold increased because the rupee dropped
The biggest headache for RS 62 levels. we are still on our previous opinion prevails that the rupee may touch some 63 according to analysts by the end of the year by a price of $ 65 bucks. even if the Government rein in imports and dollar inflows are some steps to increase, The current account deficit would not watch any of the step to stop the withdrawals of $. once again the bullion market panic can cause economic conditions in China and the United States. improvement in the gold price to air signals.
Gold further how Shona
Technically, gold for those doing business with ten grams per realm 32075 28900 watch gold prices here will be the status of the RS and the direction of u.s. economic circumstances will depend on the continued and if the RS. and the weak gold price and also increased. remember that if the price level of just 50 rupees, the price of gold suddenly fast Despite currently 24,000 per 10 grams of gold for investment, not across. reduced demand and consumption in the past week and demand for Gold Council report of rlda clean.
In the April-June quarter despite the boom in demand for consumption and the world trend of gold investors from almost half your purchase of Central Banco is. This lack of 94 in during the quarter ton. Gold ETF to 402 tonnes of gold out of the gold demand. overall decline of 12 phisad. it is the worst decline in four years. this sudden surge after small The gold boom period. but our opinion still prevails of the crisis until the hinges at these levels long gold will not likely sharp decline still back it. the status quo prevails.
Why gold sprung
China and India-and demand gold rlda Council likely to be faster
-Out money from u.s. stock markets went gold for hedging
-In view of the demand in festivals in India and the weakness of prices uchala
-Gold, 6 months after the 31,000 level then achieved
-August 19, 2011 is the largest of the daily fast after
-November, 2012 the gold has created a record of 32975