Sunil Grover show mad in India after the lap of Krishna and Siddhartha TV actress shweta Tiwari and comedy circus life coming. Yes Kapil show comedy nights took another blow except shweta Tiwari, Kapil is Sunil prefers to work in the show.
Shweta said in the interview given to the English newspaper that offers of work in both shows, but they have chosen Sunil show. shweta said Kapil their very best friends, but their show is already very popular does not need a name to them.. what will be their role in the show take it they doubt. they therefore chose these new shows mad India Sunil.
He said that this new show and working experience new Bhojpuri actress shweta a character would play. He added that Kapil show their hits, but needs a new identity Sunil's show.
Shweta and Kapil are both very old friends and each other for quite some time know. shweta said by working with them to enjoy both. She explained that the decision had no problems them Kapil.
Shweta said in the interview given to the English newspaper that offers of work in both shows, but they have chosen Sunil show. shweta said Kapil their very best friends, but their show is already very popular does not need a name to them.. what will be their role in the show take it they doubt. they therefore chose these new shows mad India Sunil.
He said that this new show and working experience new Bhojpuri actress shweta a character would play. He added that Kapil show their hits, but needs a new identity Sunil's show.
Shweta and Kapil are both very old friends and each other for quite some time know. shweta said by working with them to enjoy both. She explained that the decision had no problems them Kapil.