Keshav Singh Babu and shifted to the BJP MP Yogi adityanath's intensified. extremely strict with UMA Bharti and Maneka Gandhi's sharp stance can lead the party where the party threatened to leave by adityanath., Maneka accused in corruption by party leaders to get involved in open resistance on most blow up staking. party in the presidential campaign's leaders felt the hype from UMA Bharati. Campaign by party high command could not sign the later gadkari. explaining-quench their anger after.
BJP President Nitin gadkari has more trouble then, declare that they jabauma Bharati on Friday January 9 after publicity will not, "he said that '' UMA, party prompt on stage. ' team to handle the case and gadkari active efforts were intensified by talking to them himself. UMA gadkari. after a statement by UMA explained issue explained that they come with which reports Are not subject to a political view. he removed the next four days visiting the dense sabhaen 30. above program bash will be fixed in accordance with their agreement.
Given the growing realm of protest ' damage control ' campaign of the residence was gadkari core group leaders to handle the case against 747 mm last year to consider with. Meanwhile, the former Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha also landed in the field and he described the decision by the keshav gadkari whales blower cooling opposed. "Will highlight the exploits of mayawati, keshav, but never mind., opened the front until Maneka Gandhi supporters tickets to avoid your already are angry that the Yogi adityanath, the evening-party threatens to leave the issue of keshav also.
On the other hand, party spokesman tried to handle the media samaritan Nirmala, stating that the decision of party collective, a means of protest. He ruled out the fact that keshav to move was taken in haste.
Keshav on money laundering's noose
New Delhi [nilu Ranjan]. NHRM scam caught up in a former family welfare Minister Babu Singh against money laundering also tightening the noose of keshav. CBI after the firs [ed] money laundering also Ed [make illegal money laundering] under the law to prevent preparations in case the CBI scam in Ed related firs is asked to give a copy of.
Money laundering after having filed the case under the keshav. difficulties and where anti-corruption laws after just punishment under charges proven. there money laundering laws prevent the accused from the Court under ED penalty reprieve already created illegal earnings from their properties have the right to temporarily seize the. at the same time accused seven-year sentence also May be, who was convicted by the anti-corruption law.
Interestingly, in other cases of corruption before it even started a money-laundering investigation under ed. Commonwealth Games 2G spectrum scam, scam and CBI as well as Ed is also investigating the law thousands of crores of ED, former Chief Minister of Jharkhand accused of confiscating the property of 130 crores honey whip too.
BJP President Nitin gadkari has more trouble then, declare that they jabauma Bharati on Friday January 9 after publicity will not, "he said that '' UMA, party prompt on stage. ' team to handle the case and gadkari active efforts were intensified by talking to them himself. UMA gadkari. after a statement by UMA explained issue explained that they come with which reports Are not subject to a political view. he removed the next four days visiting the dense sabhaen 30. above program bash will be fixed in accordance with their agreement.
Given the growing realm of protest ' damage control ' campaign of the residence was gadkari core group leaders to handle the case against 747 mm last year to consider with. Meanwhile, the former Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha also landed in the field and he described the decision by the keshav gadkari whales blower cooling opposed. "Will highlight the exploits of mayawati, keshav, but never mind., opened the front until Maneka Gandhi supporters tickets to avoid your already are angry that the Yogi adityanath, the evening-party threatens to leave the issue of keshav also.
On the other hand, party spokesman tried to handle the media samaritan Nirmala, stating that the decision of party collective, a means of protest. He ruled out the fact that keshav to move was taken in haste.
Keshav on money laundering's noose
New Delhi [nilu Ranjan]. NHRM scam caught up in a former family welfare Minister Babu Singh against money laundering also tightening the noose of keshav. CBI after the firs [ed] money laundering also Ed [make illegal money laundering] under the law to prevent preparations in case the CBI scam in Ed related firs is asked to give a copy of.
Money laundering after having filed the case under the keshav. difficulties and where anti-corruption laws after just punishment under charges proven. there money laundering laws prevent the accused from the Court under ED penalty reprieve already created illegal earnings from their properties have the right to temporarily seize the. at the same time accused seven-year sentence also May be, who was convicted by the anti-corruption law.
Interestingly, in other cases of corruption before it even started a money-laundering investigation under ed. Commonwealth Games 2G spectrum scam, scam and CBI as well as Ed is also investigating the law thousands of crores of ED, former Chief Minister of Jharkhand accused of confiscating the property of 130 crores honey whip too.