B - suffering, profit - loss, childhood, youth and Budapa come and go, but who is going to learn them all. He is never the same spirit - God, is God Himself. God really is us. God is far away, are not rare, is not it See you later.
Satsang at the Government College of Jagraopul organizing committee said on Wednesday the Satsngmen Asarambapu it.
He Omkarasbse solid elements. Omkar is the divine natural sound, Omkar mantra is a bridge of all mantras. Equipment is even more impressive spells. To sit down all day Omkar chanted Carryomen success.
Satsang at the Government College of Jagraopul organizing committee said on Wednesday the Satsngmen Asarambapu it.
He Omkarasbse solid elements. Omkar is the divine natural sound, Omkar mantra is a bridge of all mantras. Equipment is even more impressive spells. To sit down all day Omkar chanted Carryomen success.