Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Venus transits

Khagolshastriyon with the general public around the world on Tuesday to see the astronomical Venus transits, desperate for it translates the first in the UK, the young astronomer Jeremiah 1639 hookers, but two years later entered an unknown due to illness, he passed away ' these it purely astronomical science though. event but unfortunately associated with it for centuries, for instance.In 2004, the last transit of Thailand, Indonesia and India came the tsunami and thousands of people were taking the premise concerns again many astrologers. our dismissed it but astronomer.

After the demise of the hookers their work of astronomer Edmund Haile UK [whose name had the name of Haile Comet] has promoted in 1716, when he called upon all the countries khagolshastriyon they different parts of the world and enter the event so that the distance between the Sun and Earth right. assessment of the year 1761 in of Haile called before the next transit of Venus the French astronomer Jim Lee, but the gentile India event by the British to see.. landing on the beach

However, instead of going back to France by jim next transit to eight years, but his luck maybe waited for good by the time the clouds. unrighteous translates this astronomical. Unfortunately, not pursue jim when he returned to his wife. France was another of property both by jim however kabada.British explorers Captain Cook's good luck,. 1769 he entered the Venus transit seen in Tahiti and the biggest thing that he was New Zealand and Australia looking for a return.

See it with the naked eye from

India on Wednesday morning from Sunrise till half past ten and transit of Venus is a small spots on the Sun as it passes will appear which is now an astronomical event will look like after a century, the earth won't see it again today, the Indian coast guard which is in this event. so much curiosity aboutBut do this in the enthusiasm that Venus this transit to the naked bhuliega eyes to see.